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Power-Shell scripts have a . ps1 file extension.

Basic Syntax

Write-Host "I Learning Shell" -NoNewline
"text to send " | Out-File texto.txt
$val = "variable"
$extra = $val.GetType()
$MyList = @('first', 'second', 'etc')

if ( 3 -eq 3) { Write-Host "3 equal 3 "}
elseif () { Write-Host "other"}
else { Write-Host "3 not equal  3"}

switch ('1'){
    '1' { Write-Host "test"; break }
    Default { Write-Host "Default  Write "}

Functions Basic Syntax

function Global:Get-MachineInfo {
    Sharing synopsis for this function
    This an description 
    .PARAMETER make 
    This an parameter of write
    Get-MachineInfo -make "oeeee"
    write-host "write on the function"

# special parameters
function Global:Get-MachineInfoo {
    param ([String[]]$make="simple", $otherMake)                        # parameters
    Write-Host "other function $make"

# advanced Functions
(Get-Command -Name Get-MachineInfoo).Parameters.Keys
(Get-Command -Name Get-Service).Parameters.Keys

function Global:Get-MachineInfooo {
    [CmdLetBinding()]                    # extras parameters
    param ($make)                        # parameters
    Write-Host "other function $make"
    Write-Verbose "Sharing  Information about my function"

Get-MachineInfoo -make "simple"          # call parameters
Get-MachineInfooo -Verbose               

# Help get-services -showWindow
# gci Function:\Get-MachineInfo |fl *    --> get function info 
# gci Function:\Get-MachineInfo |fl *

# adding whatIf  & Confirmation Parameters
function Global:Get-MachineInf {
    param ([Parameter(Mandatory)] $make)                     #enter parameter                       
    Write-Host "other function $make"
    Write-Verbose "Sharing  Information about my function"


Get-Help Write-Host -full